ARGYLE Community Trust is joining forces with the Professional Footballers’ Association (PFA) and Union Learn Funding (ULF) to deliver a brand new programme combining football and education.
Achievement Through Sport works closely with football clubs and their Community Trusts to assist them in promoting the learning agenda to the wider community, including certain disadvantaged or ‘hard to reach’ people in society such as those facing redundancy, the digitally excluded and the elderly.
The group will enjoy a day comprising an education workshop delivered by the PFA, course introduction and expectations, fitness testing, water rehabilitation session and coaching workshop.
The PFA’s Riz Rehman said: “We are pleased to be working with Argyle Community Trust to enhance their educational programmes and provide opportunities for young people to access a higher level of education. The Trust deliver some fantastic work across Devon and we are pleased to be partnering with them to reach out to as many young people as possible.”
Argyle Community Trust Manager Mark Lovell added: “The rationale behind this project is to bring people together in celebrating their achievements, as we continue to mix football and education in the quest to engage potential players into learning.
“We hope that by providing the opportunity for them to meet the staff at a professional football club to share best practises, the programme will open the door to accessing education through Plymouth Argyle.
“Elements of the project will mirror that of a pre-season briefing for a professional football team, providing insight into this unique environment.”
Achievement Through Sport has been made possible by funding from the PFA and ULF, and Argyle Community Trust is delighted to be part of the project.